Advanced Guide to English Transitions

Transitions, or linking words, exist to help people organize their speech. Since we deal with academic written English, this post will focus on using them in writing. These words are actually helpers that show how different thoughts within one work are interconnected . When a writer is able to employ them artfully, his texts will be easier to comprehend and faster to read. Paragraphs will flow one into another without you noticing drastic changes in the topic. That is how an ideal paper should look like in the end, and right now our paper editing service will share secrets how to achieve it using linking words consciously.

When should you use transitions

We can be concise on this one: transitions should be used in every essay. To understand why, you should first come to grips with their role in a text. The explanation will be especially vivid if we analyze academic English.

Every new research here is based on the groundwork that has been laid by this time by other scientists. In the process of study they came to various conclusions and described them in their works. Sometimes it happens so that different scholar arrive at different findings. Your task as a student to stick with a particular opinion and prove why it is reasonable, to support it.

This cannot be done without comparing diverse, sometimes even contradictory data (do you still remember the rules of academic referencing ?). At the same time two or more sources can support the same idea. This is where transition words and phrases can save students from confusion. It is always easier to get through a text when you know exactly how its ideas are connected with each other – whether they are in concert or at odds. It also gives the text coherence, which was the main subject of this article:

Now let’s move on to practice. We will show you two tiny texts; one of them is a mere bunch of sentences, while the other text consists of the same sentences but also has linking words in its structure. Your task is to decide which one of them reads smoother and comes out clearer in the end.

  • Translating literary works requires profound knowledge in both languages. It cannot be done without preliminary training. Recently graduated translators need several years to gain enough proficiency to deal with literary translations. This does not guarantee that their job will be successful.
  • Translating literary works requires profound knowledge in both languages. Moreover, it cannot be done without preliminary training. Recently graduated translators, for example , need several years to gain enough proficiency to deal with literary translations. Still, this does not guarantee that their job will be successful.

So, what do you think? In our opinion, the first text sounds dry and also lacks structure. Sentences look as if they were taken from several sources without necessary adjustments to create a unity. We definitely find the second text more understandable, and we would choose it among the two variants. Read on to find out how to master English transitions on your own and start using them in writing efficiently, but before this we suggest getting familiar with special goodies from our editing website:

Types of transition words

To start employing transitions, it is necessary to learn their types. Every goal a writer has requires its own way of linking words and sentences. Fortunately, the English language has several types of transition words to suit any purpose:

1.Giving examples:

  • For instance , France is widely known thanks to its Eiffel Tower, while Italy can boast the Colosseum.
  • This particular idea, for example, was first introduced at the beginning of the 20 th century.
  • Few were ready for this new challenge, namely lack of funding.

2. Introducing a thought:

  • First, students need to stay focused at their classes.
  • Secondly, they must do their homework on time.
  • Thirdly, it is important to maintain good grades throughout the course.

3. Contrasting an idea:

  • Mike was more than willing to go to the pictures. Bruce, however, still hesitated.
  • Although market prices depend on the cost of expendable materials, human’s work is taken into consideration as well.
  • You have to make a decision till tomorrow. Otherwise, I will presume that you declined my invitation.

4. Describing consequences:

  • As a result , the volume of delivery has increased by 140%.
  • Their friends were going to arrive any minute. For this reason, the girls decided to stay at home and wait for them.
  • The gossips were very fast to spread. Consequently, the artist was left with no clients.

5. Comparing something:

  • While his old car consumed a lot of fuel, the new one, on the contrary , turned out very efficient.
  • Likewise, I enjoyed this new movie.
  • Similarly, I noticed nothing to indicate that Helen was at least a bit nervous.

6. Adding to an idea:

  • Staying away from fast food helps avoid problems with indigestion. Moreover, it fills your body with energy that only healthy products can give.
  • Besides, I didn’t know at that time that we were not allowed to leave the premises.
  • Also, it is important to mention that only the best photos will be chosen for the exhibition.

7. Giving summary:

  • All in all , almost all the works from this epoch have been lost.
  • Thus, scientists have faced a new difficulty.
  • Accordingly, Susan has nothing else to do than to agree to her parents’ decision.

Rules of employing transitions in academic English

Now we will share top 3 paper editing tips for students that concern transitions. First of all, use linking words that are appropriate for the context. We enumerated 7 types of them, and they are by no means interchangeable. You will have to decide for what purpose a transition word or phrase is needed and only then pick out the most suitable variant among the list.

You have to remember about punctuation as well when using English transitions (here is a detailed guide to English punctuation ). For the most part, you will have to separate them by a comma from the rest of the sentence. In rare exceptions linking words come without additional punctuation marks, but even then commas are mostly optional, which means you can either put or omit one without violating the rules English grammar (by the way, we have a handy article for those who want to practice grammar on their own:

Last but not least, do not overuse. Transitions should not appear in every single sentence of the essay. They must be applied only when clarification is needed, when you have to guide the readers more smoothly across the text. One or two linking words per paragraph are usually enough for academic English, and sometimes you can get away with none at all. It always depends on the situation; there does not exist a universal rule.

How to check yourself

There is, however, a universal method how to always turn in perfect essays – in terms of transitions and in other respects too. This is professional editing. An experienced online paper editor from our company can solve all your college problems in a matter of days (and even quicker if the task is urgent). On the whole, we offer 4 outstanding paper editing services that are the most topical for students: proofreading to correct grammar and ameliorate style, editing to work on the structure too, revision to enhance the text in accordance with instructions and rewriting to create a unique essay that would definitely pass a plagiarism test.

Our company works only with professional editors, proofreaders and writers which ensures the highest level of services. We are so certain about the positive result that we have developed a whole refund program to protect our customers from negligence on the part of writers. With this precaution, everyone can stay sure that Royal Editing delivers exactly what promises to deliver.

Look through these most recent posts of ours in the Services section if you are interested about details how our online editing works: