When you have to do with typical essay, then you must be on close terms not only with writing, but also proofreading and editing at the same time. Definitely, you need your papers to be presented in the correct manner, otherwise they are almost useless and could be difficult to understand. Careless and neglectful work may disappoint the reader, even though the thoughts presented in the essay were worthy. Most likely the person won't be able to read the work till the end, to say nothing of the appreciating it. Our professional proofreading service allows to eliminate disadvantages connected with all kinds of 'textual bugs' and to make the eventual product enjoyable to read.
Professional services of essay proofreading free a space in your everyday life for more important things, and you don't have to toil and moil editing and improving your paperworks, as well as to spend hours while seeking out various mistakes and misprints. When I want some service to proofread my essay for free, I opt for the one having solid reputation and short terms as for carrying out the order. Actually free essay proofreading is a good choice for those who cares about the quality of papers whether it is dissertation or resume.
In order to write a good essay one must follow basic rules, which may vary depending on its type. However, there are some writing tips you may find useful in terms of writing essays of any type.
Typical writing tips for any essay:
- Read the text over several times. It will help to make connection between the passages more logical;
- Always keep in mind and follow the topic of your essay;
- Do not use contradictory statements;
- The reader must be able to form an opinion with the only help of the first and the last sentence.
So, these rules are universal and can be applied to any type of essay. In this post I would like to give you a free sample of analytical essay.
Noise pollution
Noise pollution has become almost burning issue in terms of ecology, because noise is one of the most wide-spread unfavorable environmental factors in our modern world. Environmental pollution of any type has a significant influence on our life, creating new problems and challenges. Noise pollution is not exception. Annoying noise not only violates the vital functions of a living organism, it is actually as dangerous as air and water pollution. In fact, even The World Health Organization claims that noise pollution is among the most important environmental problems. It influences human being a lot. Harmful repercussions caused by noise pollution have a negative effect both on hearing and the overall condition of the human body. We all trying to eliminate this problem from our live, however we should take into account that mostly the sources of noise pollution are man-made.
Noise is created by accumulation of different sounds produced by different sources. The intensities of these sounds may vary and when it is too loud, our ears are influenced by sound waves. We come across noise pollution both at work and at home. Barking dogs or noisy neighbors can definitely be the sources of noise pollution as well as transport including cars, planes, and trains which number is constantly growing and creating over 80% of all noises. All the noises irritate us and provoke different diseases. Thus, our physical and mental health is under threat.
A lot of of today's citizens live in conditions of noise pollution. There is a natural level of noise which is comfortable for us and amounts to about 25-30 dB. Any noise stronger than 50-60 dB at constant exposure may do you harm. Especially dangerous are noises that we perceive in the night, just because we cannon control our condition while sleeping.
A good sleep is vital for human body. When noise pollution disrupt normal rest and refreshment, as a result, we constantly suffer from insomnia and lost of productivity during the day. Noise from road traffic can cause headaches. Unfortunately, even insignificant external noise may stand in the way of a healthy sleep. The higher the noise level, the greater the damage caused to our health. Moreover, much depends on the noise characteristics such as the height of the sounds. The sounds at a high frequency oscillation are considered to be the most harmful ones.
Consequences of the noise pollution cause a variety of diseases, reduce labor productivity and the quality of life in general. Strange it may seem but not only noise pollution can cause a discomfort. Complete absence of noise is also harmful. Moreover, certain sounds increase efficiency and productivity, stimulate the thinking process so we can work harder and learn more. That's because the complete absence of noise is a stress for a person – one may lose orientation and suffer poor health. The most optimal for the human ear are sounds of natural origin: the rustle of leaves, the murmur of water, birds singing. Apparently, industrial noise of any power do not contribute to improving people's health.
In order to protect yourself from the bad influence of noise pollution, provide sound insulation in your house. Use soundproof materials and opt for soundproofed windows. You should also try to spend more time outside the city, where noises won't disturb you. When you listen to the music, always control its sound. Try not to damage your hearing more. It is of great importance to provide yourself with a proper sleep. In order to sleep well and feel fresh in the morning, use ear plugs – special hearing protection.
Proofread your essay
In case of any challenges you can turn to our editors and ask for help anytime you need. As a result, our professional proofreading service will provide you with good editors and proofreaders which could be a safety ring in terms of saving your papers from different kinds of mistakes and misprints. It goes without saying that your paperwork will be prepared by our competent proofreaders and editors, who are capable to polish the text and finish it off.