Getting accepted into a college is one of the most important steps in a person’s life. It might determine your future success and wellbeing.

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You often hear that you have to edit your essay before submitting it. The advice might be sound and well meaning.

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By now, with no doubts we can claim that the bulk of the information throughout the world is presented in the form of text.

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Paragraph is the main building block of every piece of writing. Paragraphs are used in all kinds of writing: in newspaper articles, Internet blog posts, essays, short stories, reports, etc. This list can go forever, because any text to be comprehensible must be divided into paragraphs. Generally, a paragraph is a part of a bigger piece of writing, although sometimes it is possible to see a paragraph to stand alone as an independent unit. Such independent paragraphs most often appear in academic ... Read More →

It is impossible to write well, if you have a limited vocabulary. Every writer is a craftsman in a way and the words are his tools. When a writer has few words to express oneself, which one repeats over and over again, then his creation seems awkward and poor. Thus, if a person wishes to achieve something with one’s writing then one must constantly work on improving grammar and enhancing vocabulary. Last time we talked about some ways that can help you to improve your grammar online. Today ... Read More →

Is there any person in this world, who could honestly say that their grammar knowledge is perfect?

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The other day we talked about some of the best grammar books that could become your Bible of English. It is obvious that in the business of writing, academic writing in particular, you cannot do without proper grammar. Sadly, English grammar is full of confusing concepts, such as these 3H: homophones, homonyms and homographs. Very often these difficulties disappoint and discourage students, so they just give up trying to write good essays. Royal Editing editors can assure you that it is still ... Read More →

Good grammar is an essence of all good writing and nobody is born being a good grammarian. This is a skill that person masters and improves all

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