Academic Writing: Advice from Professors


Some students find it difficult even to start writing an essay, let alone bringing it up to scratch. They are afraid of many things, among which the most popular are the amount of work to do and fear that the professor will not give an A anyway, no matter how hard they try. This post is meant to solve the second problem because here our online paper editing service shares the secrets that we have overheard from professors themselves! They often make complaints about the same mistakes that happen in every second essay they read, and sometimes even more frequently. So, get ready for a piece of professional advice and stay away from these popular errors.

Increasing the font size to make an essay appear bigger than it really is.

This trick is as old as the hills, but it does not do any good to those who resort to it. If your aim is to make the professor suspicious and to lose reputation in his eyes, then you can do it alright. However, if the target is to get a good grade for the essay and to hold the belt for diligence, there are other effective ways to do it. They are given in the second part of this article.

Downloading ready essays from the Internet.

This tip is for those who are unacquainted with a notion of plagiarism. This is a buzz word in academic circles, and we believe that only freshmen may not know anything about it. So, a quick piece of advice for them: never in your life copy paste other texts from the web to submit them as your own work. The consequences are quite harsh:

  • a bad grade,
  • spoilt reputation,
  • the necessity to write one more work, this time really on your own,
  • or even expulsion in a worst-case scenario.

If essay writing troubles you indeed, and only mediocre lines come from the pen, there is a better way out. Royal Editing offers professional copyeditors service. It brings a paper to perfection without any difficulties on your side and at the lowest expense possible. This is a surely more effective way to get through college with flying colors than downloading academic essays online.

Failing to stick to the topic.

It goes without saying that every essay should reflect its topic. Then why do some students prefer to write far-fetched reasoning instead of a real research? It is a common problem indeed and in order to solve it we have prepared a little trouble-finding checklist which will show whether an essay really revolves around its main subject:

  • There are no lyrical digressions with purely author’s opinion that have nothing to do with science.
  • The introduction and the conclusion speak about the same things and also correspond with the title.
  • The words from the title appear several times throughout the text.
  • References given in the essay are closely related to the main subject.

If you have at least one statement that is not true about the paper, consider submitting it for editing. It is no good turning it in this way. Royal Editing offers a wide range of proofreading and editing services for students. These articles will help to decide if one of them may come in handy in your case:

Together with this, we have also collected in one article the things professors love most in students’ essays. While trying to avoid the common mistakes, implement some of the next practices.

Creating clear essay structure.

We hope it is needless to mention the three vital parts of every essay. What we will dwell on is a bit more complicated aspect of paragraph structure.

Make sure that different ideas that crop up in the essay are developed within one paragraph each. It is important to stick with this method because otherwise the readability of a text considerably decreases. Moreover, it is a good idea to start the paragraphs with introductory words and phrases. But not with the ones that pollute our speech making no sense. On the contrary, choose those parentheses that outline the connection between two or more ideas. This step will contribute to the general impression the essay creates. Learn more about creating perfect paragraphs from this article:

Inserting appropriate references throughout the text.

Professors love it when a student appears knowledgeable simply because he is able to boast his extensive reading. Good news is that one does not have to be a nerd to quote other scientists in academic essays. In the age of Google and modern technologies in general you can find an appropriate reference in a matter of several minutes. Do not underestimate the importance of quotes in an essay: without them you will hardly get an A.

Another thing worth mentioning is that these references should be chosen carefully and given in the correct form. A detailed checklist for analyzing academic sources will solve the first issue, while our skillful and professional proofreaders can easily deal with the second one.

Ensuring perfect grammar and spelling.

Grammatically correct language is like spices to your favorite dish. It brings a sense of completeness and facilitates the process of reading. Consider this: would you be willing to read a book that lacks essential punctuation marks to the extent that it is not even possible to make out the meaning of the narrative? All these commas and full stops were invented for a purpose, which is to make writing understandable (and not only to the author). While speaking, we do it by means of intonation, but there is no such thing on paper. That is why every student should master the art of grammar, just to make their academic essays (and simply all the texts they write) comprehensible for other people. Make the first step in the right direction by reading our post on practicing grammar all by yourself:

All in all, this comprehensive guide on essay writing that is based on professors’ vision should help you in academic life. If you have any further questions or would like to add something to the list, contact our support managers. We always appreciate feedback from clients and readers, and we are glad if the articles we post here really improve students’ life. Royal Editing reminds you that there is one more way in which we simplify academic routines: it is performing editing and proofreading on a professional level. Visit this page to order the services now or check out our affordable editing and proofreading rates first.

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