Many things can be understood under the phrase “writing editors”. When you talk about writing editors you could have in mind professionals who edit written text. On the other hand writing editors could also mean editors who write. In both cases you won’t miss the point, because writing editors indeed edit texts, and at the same time all writing editors are good writers themselves. As you must have guessed by now, in this post we will talk more about editors and how you could benefit from ordering a service of professional writing editors online.
From our articles that offer you free samples of essays you could learn everything about different types of essays. Every student knows that there are many types of academic papers, but very few know that there are different types of editors as well. It might surprise you, but as in any other profession, editing also has various subdivisions. Such division enables them to work in more specified areas and reach a true mastery in them. When you order your essay or another academic paper to be edited by Royal Editing, you can be sure that your writing will be revised by a real professional, who specializes on that particular kind of paper.
Types of editors
Whatever you write fiction, non-fiction, academic papers or internet articles, Royal Editing will find you that type of editor that will satisfy all your needs. When you upload your document to our website let us know what kind of editing you would want. In order to assist you in making a right decision we made this list of editors and the kind of work they do, so you could choose which one meets your requirements the best.
Developmental editor. This is the type of editor that helps writer from the very early stages of drafting a manuscript. He can assist an author with choosing a topic that would find more response in the modern market. Furthermore developmental editor can revise a first rough draft of the paper and help the writer to structure it. In other words developmental editor deals with more major frame of work than just line editing. Such professional guides your ideas and helps you to find focus of your writing. He can also assist you with the research. Many writers feel indecisive about submitting their work to an editor because they think that their writing is too rough and messy. But this is exactly where you need a developmental editor. He would help you to untangle all the problems and to better understand what your book or paper is about. If you think this is what you need don’t hesitate to place your order at Royal Editing;
Content editor. This editor generally performs all the standard editing functions such as: fixing grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes, making sure the style and word usage are appropriate, etc. The main difference of content editor from other types of editors is the material he works with. As it is apparent from the name, content editors deal with texts that appear in the media. With the big part the Internet plays in the modern world there is more need for content editors than ever. They not only perform standard editing steps but also check the material for plagiarism, make sure the facts and opinions that appear in the text are true, format the text in accordance with client’s requests so it could work on particular online platforms, control the proper use of key words and other Internet related features. The success of your blog, website or another online recourse depends a lot on the quality of the work your content editor does. If you still don’t have a content editor you should rush to hire one before your competitors win the audience. Royal Editing can offer you exclusive content editing services for a very moderate price;
Copy/manuscript editor. This editor mainly works with material that is already fairly well organized and doesn’t need major restructuring. Copy or manuscript editor will check the facts, statistics and other data that appears in the text, improve the word usage and style, and of course, fix grammar, spelling and punctuation. Chose a copy editor if you are an experienced writer, good with organizing the material, but if when you just need general surface editing assistance. This option could also be good if you have cooperated with developmental editor beforehand and your work is definitely well structured, coherent and logical. Royal Editing can connect you with highly experienced and professional copy editors, just write to us and our customer support will consult you about everything;
Substantive editor. Substantive editor has very interesting work because he mainly deals with fiction manuscripts. Similarly to developmental editor he focuses on the big picture. Substantive editor will revise and help you with organizing the plot, settings, choosing point of view of the narrative and working on characters. Furthermore he will assist you with more technical elements such as word choice, sentence structure, pace, etc. If you are a fiction writer or a literary student you will benefit from working with a substantive editor, because he will strengthen your writing the way you didn’t think was possible;
Acquisition editor. This kind of editors works mostly in publishing industry. They are the link between authors and publishers. They discover new manuscripts and promote them. They can guide a writer and his creation from the first draft to publication. Moreover they might suggest some changes in plot or narrative in order to make a written material more marketable. If you write books, fiction or non-fiction, a good acquisition editor can become your golden ticket that would get your book published;
Proofreader. This is the most pedantic and scrupulous of all editors because he is like a jeweler must show pinpoint accuracy. The little scale of proofreader’s work doesn’t make it less important, but rather opposite. If your book or paper has great plot, structure and very compelling topic, but at the same time has misspelled words, bad punctuation and poor grammar, the latter would reduce all its good sides to nothing. There must always be a balance between major editing and proofreading. You can find out more about the proofreading services that Royal Editing offers from our blog.
Benefit from editing
It is clear than every book or academic paper deserve and need a good thorough editing. Before you might have felt confused about editing and its different types and it stopped you from using editing services. But hopefully now, after reading this article you feel more confident and knowledgeable about different types of editors and what they do. Possessing this information you can make a right decision and choose an editor that would meet all your requirements. And of course, Royal Editing will assist you with that.